The average house price on GRENFELL STREET is £288,125
The most expensive house in the street is 1 GRENFELL STREET with an estimated value of £497,636
The cheapest house in the street is SEA WHISPERS, 4 GRENFELL STREET with an estimated value of £126,920
The house which was most recently sold was SEA WHISPERS, 4 GRENFELL STREET, this sold on 19 May 2020 for £103,000
The postcode for GRENFELL STREET is TR19 6TA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 GRENFELL STREET Terraced £497,636 £359,950 8 Jan 2016
2 GRENFELL STREET Terraced £345,428 £190,000 21 Aug 2009
3 GRENFELL STREET Terraced £296,554 £172,000 6 Dec 2010
4 GRENFELL STREET Terraced £174,090 £99,950 12 Jul 2006
SEA WHISPERS, 4 GRENFELL STREET Terraced £126,920 £103,000 19 May 2020